Have you ever become stuck in a situation where you might need money on an urgent basis because of a financial emergency? It is common nowadays. Despite having a regular income and a good job there may come a time when you find yourself stuck in this situation. This is where payday loans give you a simple and easy means of getting money in a minimal time constraint, and as the name suggests, you’ll have to repay this type of loan by your next payday. But finding what suits your needs best is difficult, whether it’s a 3 or 12 month payday loans, what will be perfect for you, and whether you can repay the loan amount or not.
So make sure you compare the 3 and 12 month payday loans prior to actually applying and given below are some factors that require your attention in this regard:
Processing Time Involved: When applying for these loans it doesn’t take long but check thoroughly about the terms and conditions and most importantly the processing time. An instant 3 month payday loan, you get the money immediately after approval but things may become different with a 12 month payday loan. So choose accordingly.
Check the Fees involved: Payday loans have fees in the form of interest, which is normally charged on the respective amount being borrowed. The amount you borrow may come with a fee you have to pay so check with your lenders about your queries about their fees.
Bad Credit: Lenders provide loans to individuals with a good credit history generally, and with a 3 or 12 month payday loan things don’t change, so make sure you have a good credit history but if you do not, some Lenders can accommodate bad credit histories.
Repayment Flexibility: Various lenders who provide 3 or 12 month payday loans require that repayments come in the form of direct debits from a debit account. Some lenders allow you to repay the loan amount ahead of time without charging any penalties and also provide you other payments methods to choose from.
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